My Projects

keskiviikko 10. toukokuuta 2017

Battle of Revonlahti 27.4.1808 - Report ready

Finnish attack continues

First, of course, in the words of Johan Ludvig Runeberg:
(for Gregori Tigerstedtille on the 50th anniversary of the Revonlahti  battle )

"Tunsitko joskus, joukoss' ihmisten
kulkeissas täällä elon tanterella,
kuink' outo voima, pakko sisäinen
toist' ihmistä voi toiseen taivutella?
Näet muodon, äänen kuulet, riemastut,
vaan et voit virkkaa, miks niin ihastut.
Mies oli Cronstedtilla väessään,
ilolla häntä vielä muistelenki;
ma vanhus olin, nuorukainen hän,
mut kummassakin meiss' ol' yksi henki.
Ma helposti ja paljon unhoitan,
mut Tigerstedtin muistan ainian.

Four warriors gathered again to pay our respects for the old glory of those soldiers and heroes, who fought to keep the archenemy at bay... Some of the pics are courtesy from Juha, thanks!

Scenario - Battle of Revonlahti.

Russians were positioned in the small Revonlahti village and needed to hold it. Finns were on the attack and their goal was to destroy the Russian forces as an eligible fighting force and to conquer the village's key positions and high ground.

Setting up the game


Finnish deployment  - Russian deployment

Troops were:


Player 1. Ludde - Left Column - Commander: Christiernin, total 26 points

·       Deploys on B-B and left from it.
·       2 companies of Finish infantry (3 X 12 models, 8 points)
·       2 Companies of Finish jägers (2 x 6 models, 6 points)
o   Veterans
·       1 X  6 pdr cannon (4 points)
·       2 squadron of Karelian Dragoons (2 X 6 models, 8 points)

Player 2. Myself - Right Column - Commander: Aminoff, total 21 points
·       3 units may deploy on D after 30 minutes of gaming and 3 on E after 60 minutes
·       2 companies of Savolax infantry (2 X 12 models, 8 points)
·       3 companies of Finish jägers (3 X 6 models, 9 points)
o   Veterans

·       1 X  6 pdr cannon (4 points) 


Russian deployment

·       Player 1. Deploys within the A-A-A-A box with “Hidden deployment” eg. unit locations are marked to this paper or to a separate paper. Russian forces are placed after two Finnish rounds. If Finns come within 12" of a Russian unit, it is also revealed and can act starting from the next Russian round.

·       Player 2. Deploys as Pl1. Except for the reserves, whom deploy on C after 1,5h of gaming

Player  1. Marko - Bulatov  22 points

·       3 companies of Russian infantry (3 X 12 models, 12 points)
·       12 pdr field cannon (1+6 models, 6 points)
·       1 unit of Cossacks with lances (6 models, 4 points )

Player  2. Juha -  Granault 20 points
·       Unit of hussars (6 models, 4 points )
·       6pdr cannon (1+6 models, 4 points)
·       Reserve: Two units of Perm Grenadiers (2 X 6 models, 12 points)

Game start: enter Christiernin

Battle started with first half of Cronstedt troops marched towards Revonlahti from Southwest. First no Russian troops are sighted, but Christiernin is smart enough to send the jägers forward to scout...

And to no-ones surprise first Russian unit is soon spotted lurking behind one of the buildings

And even the Russian commander Bulatov is sighted!

Finnish Dragoons make their way slowly forward through the forest, at least they are out of sight!

As the alarm is raised, more Russian troops are quickly deployed. 

Bulatov's unit has taken some fire and are currently retreating to meet the rest of the forces. Finnish Jägers have reached the first building - 1 from the 3 needed taken!

Finnish Jägers skirmishing in front of the main force

Finnish flank move makes it in!

Poem continues...

Ja päivä tuli, hänen juhlansa.
Taas kunnialla liehui lippu Suomen;
aseihin! kaikui Revonlahdella,
ja paenneille koitti uusi huomen.
Riemahdus lensi kautta rivien,
se hetki se ol' ikimuistoinen.
Mik' ihme! Sammunutta toivoaan
virittämähän joukot tuleen rientää,
tukittu virta, sortain sulkujaan,
esteitä vastaan aaltojansa työntää,
ja kansa, syösty epätoivohon,
maat' isäin suojaamahan noussut on.

After 30 minutes of fighting Aminoff's Jägers make their entry effectively flanking the Russians, that seem to have had good intelligence on the entry direction...

Exchange of fire begins

And scared by the flank move of these renowned sharpshooters Russian defenders seek cover in the buildings

Panorama view of the battle field: hardest fighting is yet to start.

Aminoff and Ensign Johan av Gadd (my alter ego) enter the battle after 60 minutes of fighting, determined to wrench the buildings away from the hands of Russian defenders.

Overview of Aminoff's flank - combined fire from my troops and Karelian Dragoons drive the defenders from the "church". In the middle Russian cannons start taking their toll, but the Finns march on led by the brave Björneborg Brigade troops!

In the center Bulatov's unit routs and Bulatov is wounded. Still he refuses to surrender and mounts his horse instead shouting encouragement to his remaining troops (Cossacks don't seem to be very convinced...)

Close up on the Russian's finest, preparing to another dashing charge!

While Christierna's column has reached the village perimeter - victory seems to be at hand

Bulatov's last charge

Some more poetry:

Valoksi idän rusko sulaantui,
lähemmäs siirtyi päivän sädesoitto,
allamme hanki silloin ruskottui,
se oli kunniamme aamunkoitto;
syvemmin, aurinkoisen kohoten,
ain' aamunkoi tää loisti verinen.
Mut saman päivän ensivartio
taas näki sammuksissa sodan palon,
ja Siikajoen nuori voitto jo
sai tässä kaksosveljen yhtä jalon.
Rivistä riemu kaikui rivihin,
näin tulokasta tervehdittihin.

With a great shout Bulatov and his hussars charged headlong into Björneborgare

And decimated them in a one swift stroke!
Christierna was close at hand and now watching in horror to this slaughter...

And soon he was charged himself as the enraged hussars speeded forward

A few moments later the hussars realized, that their heroic and very effective charge had taken them to a very precarious position... and then the Finnish cannon, loaded with canister shot, went of...

Russian reserves and the final stages

I know you want some more poetry:

Tuo urhokas! Viel' äsken hänet näin,
kun nuorna, uljahana rynnäkköhön
hän, esteet sortain, riensi eteenpäin
kanuunan liekkiin, miekan mittelöhön;
nyt kylmänä hän hangell' lepäsi,
miss' äsken ryssäin tulet sammutti.
Mut elonkarvan kanss' ei kuitenkaan
kadonnut rauha hänen muodostansa,
vaaleissa vielä hänen kasvoissaan
näin uljuuden, tuon tutun vanhastansa;
tuo vakaa muoto mieleen mulle toi:
viel' uusi päivä kaikki muuttaa voi.

Finally the Russian Grenadiers entered the battle field, but it seemed to be too late 

As last of the Russian infantry were already in retreat, driven by Aminoff's forces and the Dragoons

Revonlahti is almost taken...

As expected, those raiding cossack lose their nerve, as their brigade is broken

As it would take too long for the Russian reserves to arrive and make an impact, the Russian commanders hand over their swords as the sign of surrender!

Victory for the Finns! 

Panorama of the final situation


  • We now have enough painted miniatures to play pretty big team games with The Pikeman's Lament rule set
  • Few extra house rules were invented
  • Russian reserves should arrive earlier to make the scenario work better (and the battle more exciting)
Thank you for reading and here's some more of the poem written about this battle:

Ja katso! Uusi päivä tulikin.
Hän synnyinmaalle suojaks säästyi vielä.
Ma hänt' en nähnyt enää sittemmin,
vaan sä, jos hänet kohtaat elon tiellä,
niin terveisiä sano Stoolilta
ja urhotöiltä, Revonlahdelta."
Näin kertoi Stool sinusta, urhokas,
sä kunniamme kulta-aikain jäänne.
Terveiset kätki ylioppilas
ja härmaapäänä vihdoin esittää ne,
vuossataa puoli kun jo siitä on,
kun eestä maas näin astuit taistohon.
Se lempees sulje, tervehdyksen tään
tuo sulle synnyinmaaskin; rivit luki
se niiden miesten, jotka verellään
sen muistot, toivot ja sen uskon tuki.
Ne harvenneet on, hartaammin siis vaan
se muistaa eloon jääneit' urhojaan.
Kiitokset saa tuo alttius rajaton,
min hehku Pohjan jäilläkään ei laannut,
kiitokset kallis verikin, jok' on
turvaksi vastaisuuden vuotaa saanut,
ett' aina sille toivon sanat soi:
viel' uusi päivä kaikki muuttaa voi.
Source: wikisource

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