As a continuation, with fine Tuned rules, to our spring campaign 7 veteran and 5 new players embark on a campaign to claim their right for the iron throne...
My Projects
- Project: Commonwealth Army for WW2
- Project: Russo-Swedish War in 1808-1809 aka "The Finnish War" (Suomen Sota) - updated 12.2.2021
- Updated! Project: Great Northern War in 28mm
- Retreat from Moscow 1812 - or "White Death" - Updated Jan 2021
- Mare Nostrum - Hail Caesar Campaign CONCLUDED
- Saga Limes Campaign
- Project Finnish Civilwar 1918
- Helsinki Wargaming Club: Nopat & Taktiikka
- Age of the Wolf Saga Campaign Spring 2018
- Project 2019: Age of Bronze
- Prima Artania 40K Campaign - WAR DIARY
- Project: The Others (Song of Ice and Fire)updated 29.9.2024
- ASOIAF: War of the Five Kings Campaign Concluded - updated 16th of May, 2020
- New Project 2020: WW2 China - updated April 2023
- Bolt Action - Desert War Campaign tracking - Round 4. update 2nd of Jan 2021
- Sengoku-Jidai - Test of Honor Campaign Tracking - Updated 15th of January 2022
- ASOIAF - Storm of Swords Campaign 2021
- SUMMARY: Armies on Parade
- ASOIAF Map Based Campaign Concept
torstai 10. syyskuuta 2020
Second map based Song of Ice and Fire Campaign started
As a continuation, with fine Tuned rules, to our spring campaign 7 veteran and 5 new players embark on a campaign to claim their right for the iron throne...
sunnuntai 6. syyskuuta 2020
Chaos and Mayhem in Warhammer!
Triumph & Treachery @ Nopat & Taktiikka

Warhammer has really made a come back at our Nopat & Taktiikka Club. In our Summer Cabin trip we played a 20 000p. mega battle with 8th edition and Oldhammer gaming (mainly 6th edition) has been quite active indeed... then I digged up this old tome and asked if some of the fellas would like to give this oddity a go. They wanted and since July there's been about 5 sessions and one of my mates even bought the set from eBay. In this blogpost you'll see pictures from this summers Retro-Warhammer games!
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