My Blog posts on the subject:
Painting & armies on parade
Battle reports
Some of the players are also keeping diaries for their officer characters (whom are gathering honor as per The Pikeman's Lament campaign rules): (in Finnish)
This is really not a new project, as it has been started few years back. Now with our excellent visit to Little Wars Club is Stockholm and the games played there I (we) really got excited about converting miniatures for this war.
7.11.2016 Figures converted and being painted for the Russo-Swedish war
I've been very focused on producing troops via conversion from Perry metals (British) and plastic British, Austrians and French. Here are conversion results and painting WIP pics.
There are actually few manufacturers for 28 mm, that we have discovered, even if I have mainly used Perry metals and kitbashed plastics sets to convert troops to my army.
Eagle Miniatures Swedes
Bicorne Miniatures Swedes
I've used plastic Austrians for my Finnish Infantry.

This is really not a new project, as it has been started few years back. Now with our excellent visit to Little Wars Club is Stockholm and the games played there I (we) really got excited about converting miniatures for this war.
Update 17.6.2017
Four Pikeman's Lament games already played in our campaign. Finns are on the offensive as summer come to northern Finland as well. We're considering playing with Black Powder rules as well. Some of the battle are suitable for that, while many are more suitable for skirmishing.Gallery - also see links in the beginning of this page
Buildings (Sarissa Precision) for the fights in small towns
Eagle figures makes minis suitable for the Finnish war.
Unfortunately their packing was very poor
and several bayonets were broken
Russian Jägers by Casting Room Miniatures
Savolax Jägers - converted from different plastic sets:
most parts from Perry French Dragoons and Victrix British Infantry
Sledges for decorating the battlefield / as objectives
Russian hussars and cossacks WIP
Russian infantry
Finnish army of about 24 points (The Pikeman's Lament) almost ready for playing
Converted Perry British turn to Finns - lovely miniatures!
Finns converted from Perry's plastic Austrian infantry
7.11.2016 Figures converted and being painted for the Russo-Swedish war
I've been very focused on producing troops via conversion from Perry metals (British) and plastic British, Austrians and French. Here are conversion results and painting WIP pics.
Finnish commanders made from Victrix Austrians (command sprue) with some
French bits added (Victrix as well)
Converted Perry Brits - now they are Finns!
The officer with bicorne is Victrix Austrian.
Dismounted Carelian Dragoon: metallic horse from some mini flea market, body of a Victrix Austrian, rifle arm from Perry plastic dragoons and the head is from Victrix French artillery
Converting French horses into Swedish (or Russian) Dragoon horses
Bits for Carelian dragoons
Green stuffing models into Finns / Swedes
Finnish Jägers kitbashed and converted from Victrix Britis torsos, with heads from Warlord
French hussars and hands from Victrix Austrians and Perry French dragoons, swords
from Victrix Frenchs
Converted Perry Brits
Perry Britis artillery crew (British in Egypt) and a few Trent Miniatures
Converting British heads from Brigade Games
Painting Perrys into Savolax Regiment colors
Sources of information and inspiration:
Finnish / Swedish Miniatures for Suomen Sota
(there are more producers for Russian miniatures, just make sure you choose the earlier variants eh NOT 1812 miniatures, as for example hats changed)
There are actually few manufacturers for 28 mm, that we have discovered, even if I have mainly used Perry metals and kitbashed plastics sets to convert troops to my army.
Eagle Miniatures Swedes
Bicorne Miniatures Swedes
Converting other minis (maybe better ones):
Perry Miniatures: several plastic sets and early war Bristish with round hats.I've used plastic Austrians for my Finnish Infantry.
British with round hats example
Instructions on converting them:
Other sources of inspiration:
French dragoons make good base for both Finnish Dragoons and Jaegers
Swedes / Finns: in 15mm.
Swedes / Finns: in 25-28mm
Instructions on converting them:
Other sources of inspiration:
- 1809: from fellow Finnish gamers, who have played several battles of the 1809 Russo-Swedish war:
- Great blog on building troops for the Finish War 1809:
French dragoons make good base for both Finnish Dragoons and Jaegers
Swedes / Finns: in 15mm.
Swedes / Finns: in 25-28mm
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